Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Transverse edge

A few days ago I was lying underneath some bushes in a wealthy part of town. It was 5 am and a light rain fell against the leaves above me.

The bird's chorus nearly washed me away.

Lying barefoot in the leaves forgetting my social paranoia and egoism, my learned categories and orienting principles; I relaxed into the earth in weightless and timeless ecstasy. A snake began coiling my ankle.

I wasn't sure if I was alive or dead. Hanging in the branches for fear of snakes - I laughed a bit at my fear. Zipping up my sweatshirt I walked into the rain, smiling at passing morning traffic.

1 comment:

  1. this saint of mind seems to have treaded into the territories of the heart. Did we hear that correctly, did his feet actually touch the ground?
